we were on the wrong end of poor support and set out to ensure we did better! we will deal individually with all of our clients and assist with all issues to ensure satisfaction is achieved
TEL: 02036510945
Out of hours: 07876755357
If you have any questions feel free to email us at: info@mega-hosting.co.uk
We are a company that manages web hosting. We give our clients peace of mind that why they going about their business that their website being carefully looked ather.
Web Hosting Prices
we will never promise you that we are the cheapest in fact that is an impossibility. Normally the cheapest hosting is packed with websites and some inproper websites which could affect your websites capability and SEO. Is many cheap websites service is unmanned. Most of the cheap hosting companies have very packed web servers which affects your SEO and loading speeds. If you can imagine your desktop PC with loads of windows open and files you start to notice that the system is running slow. This can be the same principle as web hosting if there is too much on one server then everybody run slow.
Unlimited web space
Really there’s no such thing if you buy website Hosting from a company there is a limit. otherwise we would all be buying these £3 web hosting companies and uploading 3 terabytes complete data from our businesses.
In fact many websites don’t need that kind of space. For example if you are a builder or a private individual making your website with WordPress it does not take that amount of space